Truss Analysis and Visualization is a program for the force analysis of planar trusses and the visualizations of the results. System requirements to run this application-
- 32Bit Color QuickDraw installed,
- math co-processor (if using the FPU version).
This version is a complete remake of version 4.2. It has a new user interface to implement more useful ways to design and analyze a truss.
Some of the features implemented cover-
* Create a new truss design,
* Alter the geometry of an existing truss design interactively through moving the joint locations or by the addition/removal of truss members, truss supports or truss joints,
* Apply loads on a truss,
* Produce free body diagrams of the entire truss or for selected pins,
* Produce a color (pattern) graphical display of the load distribution in the individual members with the color (and pattern) of the members denoting tension or compression showing the relative magnitude of the load,
* Button shortcuts to implement common operations without extensive menu access.
* Implement Method of Sections and Method of Joints interactively,
* Create QuickTime movies of a car traveling over the truss.
Version 5.0.2 corrects a memory leak that caused a crash when a movie was produced.
The demo version is fully enabled for 4 nodes only. The full version is limited by memory available.
This application is shareware with a fee of $20.
If interested send payment to -
Sheba Softpurr
POBox 3035
W. Lafayette, IN 47906
or contact by e-mail at=
If applicable please include your e-mail address in your correspondance.